Dear Parent/Guardian

As you may have seen in the news, the U.K Joint Committee on Vaccination & Immunisation (JCVI), has recommended that all children between the ages of 1 and 10 receive a booster for Polio, due to the identification of a form of vaccine-related polio virus identified in sewage in a number of London boroughs.

It is important to emphasise that no individual has been identified with actually catching polio and the risk therefore is incredibly low.

However, if you would like your child to be vaccinated, then please contact the Reception team.  In the first instance, a doctor will phone you back to discuss this further.

Please see guidance received from the JCVI here about which children should be vaccinated. As you will see there are some exceptions – particularly if your son/daughter received the booster dose at aged 3 years 4 months within the past 12 months. Please also click here for information received from the Government.

Best wishes from the team at Courtfield Private Practice